Thursday, December 6, 2012

Reuniting with Family

              Removing a protective order is an emotional time.
                A major motivation for women to cross the border is to reunite with husbands or family.  An example of this is the story of Maria Jimenez, who is 29 years old.  Her family was struggling financially, so her husband crossed the border to try and make some money to get rid of their financial troubles.  He would send back the money he made in America to his family back in Oaxaca, in hopes of getting enough money to get the rest of his family into the United States. After collecting enough money, Maria was able to cross the border, and finally reunite with her husband (Alvarez and Broder). 
                This is only one example of separated couples where women have to cross the border to try and reunite with their husbands.  Unfortunately, I have heard numerous stories similar to this one while volunteering at a local soup kitchen back home.   Most of the men we fed were living on the streets with no food and very little money, even though they worked hard every day.  I did not understand why they were not able to live a reasonable life when they were working so hard until I was able to sit down and have a conversation with a man one day.  While talking, the man explained to me that he crossed the border in hopes of supporting his family back home, which was struggling from financial problems.  He worked every day as a day laborer, and sent a large majority of the money he made back to his family and his wife, who was hoping to join him in the United States in two months.   It must be extremely difficult for these families to be separated from each other for such long periods of time, and this must be why the wives of men who crossed the border come to America as soon as they can.  Although there is an extensive family back home, I don’t think there is anything comparable to living in a different country than your significant other, which motivates women to cross the border.

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